A steady stream by Scott Mackenzie. Tales from the tips of the fingers of the desk of the human with thoughts of drastic action but lack of outright effort.

Follow via Are.na, X, In.

A note-to-self thing.


Supple musings from a
familiar interface (🌐❔).

Sunday Minutes
Issue #1

The final form is unknown, but the beginnings are familiar—a trail of unencoded stories and thoughts displayed in a web-based void. Moss is in motion. A new beginning was necessary. Will everything connect? Eventually. Is it serious? No. Can you lick it? Maybe.

SRS-MOSS is a WIP concept lacking definition. The door’s been kept open (cat width) while it morphs and mutates. It’s human to gravitate quickly to “how it ought to be” or “how it should work”. But breaking the urge equally makes us human. In this early phase, there’s a sufficient slant toward “capturing”. Almost log-like chunks of raw and uninterpreted bytes of interest.

Sunday Minutes is a series of Tumblr-esque items (links, writings, tangents) gathered weekly, if possible.


You’re wrong until they’re right. You’re right until they’re wrong. Am I right?

Profound Goon Apr’ 2024

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I get nerd crushes for specific experts™. Individuals or teams who’ve doubled-down on their craft. Here, Banjo Soundscapes are specific experts™ in sound.

We may present ourselves as musicians, sound makers and producers. But what really defines us as sound artists is how we envision our work, how we weave music and sound design into consistent and descriptive soundscapes established by the sonic strategy.


Some people live with a veil of “visual snow” passing through their visual cortex. It’s called “hallucinogen persisting perception disorder” (HPPD).

Soft shapes in a knoll-like OCD arrangement—Klas Ernflo is a vibe.

Of the topic of soft shapes: I have a soft spot for A good sock game. Style of the ankle says a lot about someone. A good provider can be a lifetime find. This is an untested source of interest for the future. A good Pique Crew to put you in the right mood.

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PS: My faith in good ol’fashioned internet knowledge got a boost this week. I was in the depths of a problem I could not solve on my own and began resorting to forums then discord for an answer. My hopes were low that a real result would surface. Low and behold a legendary internet citizen popped up with a pearler of a suggestion that saved the day. This is a side quest to elaborate on later.

“Sometimes I am soft”